WARNING: The new website of the doctorate in Earth Science is Please refer to that site for updated information and resources.
The doctorate in Earth Sciences aims to train researchers able to independently investigate the great variety of disciplines of geosciences. In particular it intends to provide advanced specialised preparation 1) in basic, applied and theoretical research on problems inherent to the structure, composition, evolution and dynamics of the Earth; 2) in the characterisation and modelling of the Earth System and 3) in basic research and applied to the use of the territory, natural hazards, energy and water resources, geomaterials, mineral prospecting and cultural heritage management.
The training program is organised to meet educational and research needs in the wide spectrum of disciplines that characterise the Earth Sciences.
The training period (3 years) includes the attendance of short courses, schools and seminars organised in two curricula or common to both, as well as courses dedicated to the acquisition of tranversal skills and which are organised in common for all the University doctorates. Students must develop a research project that will lead to a thesis that will be the subject of a discussion at the end of the training course. The training course is monitored by a tutor who verifies the acquisition of skills and provides guidance in the choice and implementation of the research project of the student.
The proposed Scientific Department is the Department of Earth Sciences "Ardito Desio" , which is one of the 5 Departments of Excellence (law 232 of 11.12.2016) of Area 04 and one of the 8 departments of excellence of the University of Milan. Specifically, the "Ardito Desio" Department of Earth Sciences won the financing with the project THE GEOSCIENCES FOR THE SOCIETY: RESOURCES AND THEIR EVOLUTION.
Among the lines of implementation of the project (highly qualifying activities, ADEQ) is the establishment of the curriculum of Geosciences in the PhD course in Earth Sciences from a.a. 2018-2019 passes to have two curricula:
- EARTH SYSTEM: PROCESSES AND MODELING: has as its objective the development of scientific-technical skills dedicated to the understanding, quantification and modeling of the current Earth System and of the geological record, characterized by complex interactions between Geosphere, Biosphere, Atmosphere and Hydrosphere.
- GEORESOURCES intends to pursue the development of innovative skills in relation to the global challenges arising from the growing needs of Georisorse. The research activities will focus on the broad spectrum of geological competences concerning the identification and exploitation of energy, mineral and water resources in respect of the landscape heritage. The objective is the formation of geologists with a high scientific-technical-experimental profile for the research, modeling and management of georesources and for the study and enhancement of the landscape and cultural heritage.
Coordinator, Doctoral Board e Secretary
Sectorial areas and Research Groups
Sectorial areas
The sectorial areas involved in the PhD programm are:
- GEO/01
- GEO/02
- GEO/03
- GEO/04
- GEO/05
- GEO/06
- GEO/07
- GEO/08
- GEO/09
- GEO/10
- GEO/11
- GEO/12
Research Groups
Tutors will guide research leading to doctoral degrees in a range of geoscience topics. Current research areas are:
Angiolini, Balini, Bottini, Erba, Petrizzo
Berra, Bersezio, Della Porta, Felletti, Gasparrini, Marini, Muttoni
Roda, Spalla, Tartarotti, Zanoni, Zucali
Bollati, Trombino, Villa, Zerboni
Apuani, Beretta, Camera, Cecinato, Masetti, Pedretti
Fumagalli, Gatta, Merlini, Camara Artigas, Poli, Tumiati
Farina, Tiepolo
Dapiaggi, Gatta, Grieco, Marinoni, Moroni, Camara Artigas
Cambiotti, Marotta
Comunian, Giudici Objectives
Earth science is one of the broadest and most interdisciplinary scientific fields, in particular within the ERC PE (Physical Sciences and Engineering) research domain. The main focus is the quantification, understanding, modelling and prediction of the behaviour/properties of the Earth System, characterised by complex interactions among the Geosphere, the Biosphere, the Atmosphere, and the Hydrosphere through flows of mass, energy, and life. Interactions between these components are archived in the geological record that can be decoded to:
- reconstruct the development and evolution of our planet by combining observations, experiments and modelling;
- define natural resources and their sustainable exploitation and use (oil, gas, mineral commodities, water);
- assess geological hazards (earthquakes, floods, landslides);
- design of engineering geological works and facilities; e) implement environmental remediation technologies;
- develop exploitation of raw materials for industrial applications;
- preserve our cultural heritage;
- gauge forensic applications.
The geoscience perspective of the functioning of the overall behaviour of the Earth system includes research of dynamic processes operating both on the surface and deep in the inner Earth, their impact on ecosystems and human activity, and, vice versa, present and future anthropogenic impact on the environment. Research interests and activities in the Department of Earth Sciences in Milan are broad and far-reaching, encompassing a wide range of temporal and spatial scales. Our Graduate Program offers students the opportunity to learn about and independently investigate a large variety of basic, applied, traditional, cutting-edge and cross-disciplinary geoscience areas.
The Tutors will guide research leading to doctoral degrees in a range of geoscience topics, encompassing Geological Mapping, Structural Geology, Tectonics, Solid Earth Geophysics, Numerical Modeling, Applied Geophysics, Mineralogy, Experimental Petrology, Applied Mineralogy and Petrography, Mining Geology, Integrated Stratigraphy and Chronostratigraphy, Sedimentary and Environmental Geology, Soil System Sciences, Geomorphology, Glaciology, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology and Paleoceanography, Engineering Geology, Rock Mechanics, Hydrology and Hydrogeology.
Within the PhD Program in Earth Sciences it is intended to develop hard & soft skills which can be immediately used professionally through continuously updated and innovative training. The research themes carried out are highly topical and of considerable scope internationally, often in close collaboration with some of the best international research institutions. The training includes the attendance of seminars, participation in conferences, cycles of lectures and specific schools for the Doctorate, workshops (national and international) and other activities (stages or theses) carried out in companies and external bodies, including international ones, aimed at integrating individual preparation.
Academic board
"Earth system: Processes & Modelling" curriculum
XXXVII ciclo
- Angiolini Lucia, GEO/01 mail:
- Beretta Giovanni, GEO/05 mail:
- Berra Fabrizio, GEO/02 mail:
- Bersezio Riccardo, GEO/02 mail:
- Bollati Irene, GEO/04 mail:
- Bottini Cinzia, GEO/01 mail:
- Camara Artigas Fernando, GEO/06 mail:
- Cambiotti Gabriele,GEO/10 mail:
- Comunian Alessandro, GEO/12 mail:
- Fumagalli Patrizia, GEO/07 mail:
- Gatta Diego, GEO/09 mail:
- Groppelli Gianluca,GEO/03 mail:
- Marotta Anna Maria,GEO/10 mail:
- Muttoni Giovanni, GEO/02 mail:
- Petrizzo Maria Rose, GEO/01 mail:
- Roda Manuel, GEO/03 mail:
- Spalla Maria Iole, GEO/03 mail:
- Tiepolo Massimo, GEO/08 mail:
- Trombino Luca, GEO/04 mail:
- Zanoni Davide, GEO/03 mail:
XXXVI ciclo
- Angiolini Lucia, GEO/01 mail:
- Beretta Giovanni, GEO/05 mail:
- Berra Fabrizio, GEO/02 mail:
- Bersezio Riccardo, GEO/02 mail:
- Bollati Irene, GEO/04 mail:
- Bottini Cinzia, GEO/01 mail:
- Cambiotti Gabriele,GEO/10 mail:
- Comunian Alessandro, GEO/12 mail:
- Gatta Diego, GEO/09 mail:
- Groppelli Gianluca,GEO/03 mail:
- Marotta Anna Maria,GEO/10 mail:
- Merlini Marco, GEO/06 mail:
- Muttoni Giovanni, GEO/02 mail:
- Petrizzo Maria Rose, GEO/01 mail:
- Poli Stefano, GEO/07 mail:
- Spalla Maria Iole, GEO/03 mail:
- Tiepolo Massimo, GEO/08 mail:
- Trombino Luca, GEO/04 mail:
- Tumiati Simone, GEO/07 mail:
- Zanoni Davide, GEO/03 mail:
XXXV ciclo
- Angiolini Lucia, GEO/01 mail:
- Apuani Tiziana, GEO/05 mail:
- Beretta Giovanni, GEO/05 mail:
- Berra Fabrizio, GEO/02 mail:
- Bersezio Riccardo, GEO/02 mail:
- Bollati Irene, GEO/04 mail:
- Bottini Cinzia, GEO/01 mail:
- Cambiotti Gabriele,GEO/10 mail:
- Comunian Alessandro, GEO/12 mail:
- Gatta Diego, GEO/09 mail:
- Groppelli Gianluca,GEO/03 mail:
- Marini Mattia, GEO/02 mail:
- Marotta Anna Maria,GEO/10 mail:
- Merlini Marco, GEO/06 mail:
- Muttoni Giovanni, GEO/02 mail:
- Petrizzo Maria Rose, GEO/01 mail:
- Poli Stefano, GEO/07 mail:
- Tiepolo Massimo, GEO/08 mail:
- Trombino Luca, GEO/04 mail:
- Tumiati Simone, GEO/07 mail:
- Zanoni Davide, GEO/03 mail:
"Georesources" curriculum
XXXVII cycle
- Camera Corrado, GEO/05 mail:
- Cecinato Francesco, ICAR/07 mail:
- Dapiaggi Monica, GEO/06 mail:
- Della Porta Giovanna, GEO/02 mail:
- Erba Elisabetta, GEO/01 mail:
- Farina Federico, GEO/08 mail:
- Felletti Fabrizio, GEO/02 mail:
- Fiandaca Gianluca, GEO/11 mail:
- Gasparrini Marta, GEO/02 mail:
- Giudici Mauro, GEO/12 mail:
- Lotti Paolo, GEO/09 mail:
- Marinoni Nicoletta, GEO/06 mail:
- Masetti Marco, GEO/05 mail:
- Merlini Marco, GEO/06 mail:
- Pedretti Daniele, GEO/05 mail:
- Poli Stefano, GEO/07 mail:
- Tartarotti Paola, GEO/03 mail:
- Tumiati Simone, GEO/07 mail:
- Villa Federica, AGR/16 mail:
- Zerboni Andrea, GEO/04 mail:
- Zucali Michele, GEO/03 mail:
XXXVI cycle
- Camara Artigas Fernando, GEO/06 mail:
- Camera Corrado, GEO/05 mail:
- Cecinato Francesco, ICAR/07 mail:
- Dapiaggi Monica, GEO/06 mail:
- Della Porta Giovanna, GEO/02 mail:
- Erba Elisabetta, GEO/01 mail:
- Felletti Fabrizio, GEO/02 mail:
- Fiandaca Gianluca, GEO/11 mail:
- Fumagalli Patrizia, GEO/07 mail:
- Gasparrini Marta, GEO/02 mail:
- Giudici Mauro, GEO/12 mail:
- Lotti Paolo, GEO/09 mail:
- Marinoni Nicoletta, GEO/06 mail:
- Masetti Marco, GEO/05 mail:
- Pedretti Daniele, GEO/05 mail:
- Tartarotti Paola, GEO/03 mail:
- Villa Federica, AGR/16 mail:
- Zerboni Andrea, GEO/04 mail:
- Zucali Michele, GEO/03 mail:
XXXV cycle
- Camara Artigas Fernando, GEO/06 mail:
- Camera Corrado, GEO/05 mail:
- Cecinato Francesco, ICAR/07 mail:
- Dapiaggi Monica, GEO/06 mail:
- Della Porta Giovanna, GEO/02 mail:
- Erba Elisabetta, GEO/01 mail:
- Farina Federico, GEO/08 mail:
- Felletti Fabrizio, GEO/02 mail:
- Fumagalli Patrizia, GEO/07 mail:
- Giudici Mauro, GEO/12 mail:
- Lotti Paolo, GEO/09 mail:
- Marinoni Nicoletta, GEO/06 mail:
- Masetti Marco, GEO/05 mail:
- Pedretti Daniele, GEO/05 mail:
- Tartarotti Paola, GEO/03 mail:
- Villa Federica, AGR/16 mail:
- Zerboni Andrea, GEO/04 mail:
- Zucali Michele, GEO/03 mail:
Organization, Facilities and Courses
Research Facilities
PhD students can use the analytical, experimental and computational structures of the Department of Earth Sciences , including scanning and transmission electron microscopes, powder and single crystal X-ray diffractometers, plasma emission spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, mass spectroscopy with laser ablation, electronic microprobe with WDS fluorescence spectrometry, soil and rock mechanics laboratory, high temperature synthesis devices high pressure, a vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM), geophysical prospecting instrumentation, a PC cluster for parallel computing laboratory, and laboratories for sedimentology, paleontology and paleoclimatology.
Each PhD student access to an office shared with other PhD students, according to the thematic areas of research. PCs are available for individual use as well as computerized classrooms and PC Cluster for parallel computing.
PhD students can also access a Area library with access to magazines
paper or online scientific, geological and thematic maps.
Furthermore, the proximity of Alpine and Apennine belts facilitates high-level training in multi-scale analysis and detailed structural and lithostratigraphic mapping of orogenic areas. The department has two vehicles for field research activity.
The PhD in Earth Sciences is located at the Department of Earth Sciences "Ardito Desio" , which is organised in three locations:
via Mangiagalli 34 , where the Didactic and Administrative Offices are located, in addition to the structures of the Structural Geology, Applied Geology, Sedimentology, Geomorphology and Paleontology
Address: Department of Earth Sciences, via Mangiagalli 34, 20133 I-Milan
Telephone switchboard: 02 - 503 15493
Via Botticelli 23 , where the structures of the Mineralogical, Petrographic, Geochemical and Ore Geology & Applied Mineralogy areas are located
Address: Department of Earth Sciences, via Botticelli 23, 20133 I-Milan
Concierge: 02 - 503 15585
Via Cicognara 7 , where the facilities of the Geophysical area are located
Address: Department of Earth Sciences, via Cicognara 7, 20129 I-Milan
Telephone switchboard: 02 - 503 15493
The Department also has a branch in the Province of Sondrio, the Valchiavenna Station for the Study of the Alpine Environment .
Address: Valchiavenna Station, Via IV Novembre 3, 20022 Chiavenna (SO)
Telephone switchboard: 0343 - 37264
Training offer
The board of researchers working within the doctorate guarantees qualified training through short courses and seminars (internal and visiting professors).
PhD students must acquire at least 12 ECTS of specialist courses in the 3-year doctorate.
To register, PhD students need to log in to Catalog of doctoral training courses . To find the courses organised by the Earth Sciences doctorate, enter the keyword "TERRA" and follow the instructions.
A.A. 2022-2023
Cave and subglacial carbonates: the «dark» record of Earth’s climate history
Prof. Silvia Frisia, University of Newcastle (Australia)
Proponent Prof. Giovanna Della Porta
15 h, 3 CFU
Electrical and electromagnetic methods for hydro & exploration
Prof. Gianluca Fiandaca, University of Milan
30 h, 4 CFU (10 h lecture 2 CFU, 20 h field laboratory 2 CF)
Non-ambient in situ studies of thermoelastical behaviour and phase transition of minerals
Prof. Fernando Camara, University of Milan
10 h, 2 CFU
Advanced experimental synthesis and characterization of minerals and rocks
Prof. Marco Merlini and Prof. Patrizia Fumagalli, University of Milan
20 h, 4 CFU
Geodynamics, Metallogeny and Georesources
Prof. Patrick Ledru, University of Lorraine (France)
Proponent Prof. M. Iole Spalla
20 h, 4 CFU
Vibrational Spectroscopy meets Geosciences
Location Villa del Grumello, Como Lake
Several teachers:
Prof. Boriana Mihailova, Universität Hamburg
Prof. Mauro Prencipe, Università di Torino
Prof. Donato Belmonte, Università di Genova
Proponent Prof. Fernando Camara
20 h, 4 CFU
AA 2021-2022
Geomicrobiology of natural and built environments
Federica Villa, University of Milan
ADEQ activity Excellence Department Project
CARG – Contents and applications of the Geological Map of Italy: contribution of geology to land management and sustainable development
Chiara D’Ambrogi (ISPRA)
Andrea Piccin (Regione Lombardia).
Simone Sterlacchini, Christian Gencarelli, Debora Voltolina, Mohammed Hammouti, Marco Zazzeri(Laboratorio LASRGE CNR-IGAG).
Giovanni Monegato (CNR-IGG)
Corrado Morelli (Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano)
Hydromorphology of Mountain rivers
Francesco Comiti, Libera Università di Bolzano
ADEQ activity Excellence Department Project
23, 24, 25/02/2022
Introduction to fluid inclusion studies in sedimentary basins
Marta Gasparrini, University of Milan
ADEQ activity Excellence Department Project
High-tech metals in mineral deposits
Nicola Mondillo, University of Naples Federico II
Licia Santoro, University of Turin
ADEQ activity Excellence Department Project
Accessory Mineral Petrochronology
Jörn-Frederik Wotzlaw (ETH Zurich), contact Francesca Forni
ADEQ activity Excellence Department Project
Climate Change and Modelling
George Zittis, Environmental Predictions Department, Climate and Atmosphere Research Center, The Cyprus Institute
ADEQ activity Excellence Department Project
4D X-Ray Imaging and Digital Rock Physics: Virtual Experiments on Digital Data
Marco Voltolini (Università di Milano), proponente Fernando Camara
Attività ADEQ Progetto di Eccellenza
Introduction to scientific programming with Python
Fabrizio Magrini (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz), contact Michele Zucali
ADEQ activity Excellence Department Project
Crystal physics and tensor properties of crystals
8, 11/07/2022
Synthesis of single-crystals and polycrystalline materials in mineralogy
Volker Kahlenberg (University of Innsbruck), proponente Paolo Lotti
AA 2020-2021
September 27th - 30th 2021 Moved from previous date (Febbruary) due to COVID19 EMERGENCY
Improving skills in subsurface reactive transport modelling
Samrit Luoma and Muhammad Muniruzzaman, Geologian tutkimuskeskus (GTK), Finland
Daniele Pedretti, Università degli Studi di Milano
Daniel Fernàndez -Garcia, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya – BarcelonaTech (UPC), Spain
Chuanhe Lu, Group of Applied Geosciences , University of Manchester, UK
Henning Prommer, CSIRO Land and Water + University of Western Australia
ADEQ activity Excellence Department Project
September 20th-24th 2021 Moved from previous date in 2020 due to COVID19 EMERGENCY
FIELD COURSE: “Tectonic evolution of collisional belts: case studies from north-western Alps”
Paola Tartarotti, M. Iole Spalla, Michele Zucali, Davide Zanoni, Manuel Roda, Università di Milano
June 24th-25th 2021 New data
Multiphysics Geomechanics for Earth Science applications: from resource engineering to fault mechanics
Emmanouil Veveakis, Duke University, Pratt School of Engineering (USA) Visiting Professor 2020-2021
June 14th-18th 2021
Principles, applications and new frontiers in isotope geochemistry
Ramon Aravena – Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Waterloo (Canada)
Emmanuelle Casanova – School of Chemistry, University of Bristol (UK)
Luigi Dallai – Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università degli Studi di Roma (Italy)
Alexander Dickson – Department of Earth Sciences, Royal Holloway University of London (UK)
Axel Gerdes – Institut für Geowissenschaften Petrologie und Geochemie, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt (Germany)
Nicolas Greber – Institute for Geological Sciences, University of Bern (Switzerland)
Susan Ivy-Ochs – Department of Earth Sciences, ETH Zürich (Switzerland)
Massimo Marchesi – IT2E, Milano (Italy)
Franck Poitrasson – Laboratoire Géosciences Environnement, Toulouse, CNRS (France)
Gregory Price – School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Plymouth (UK)
Nick Roberts – British Geological Survey, Keyworth (UK)
Paolo Sossi – Department of Earth Sciences, ETH Zürich (Switzerland)
Giovanni Zanchetta – Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università di Pisa (Italy)
Approved as Lake of Como School of Advances Studies activity
ADEQ activity Excellence Department Project
Jannuary 26th-27th 2021 (on-line; register in ZOOM to attend using the following links: morning lessons 9:30-12:30 - afternoon lessons 14:00-17:00)
Carbonate diagenesis to constrain thermo-barometry and fluid geochemistry in sedimentary basins
Marta Gasparrini, Università di Milano
ADEQ activity Excellence Department Project
Access to video recordings:
- Jan 26th morning Access code to log in: a0=t%1Y#
- Jan 26th afternoon Access code to log in: a0Y^0!5l
- Jan 27th early morning Access code to log in: *IX865HX
- Jan 27th mattina Access code to log in: be74!hng
- 27/01 afternoon Access code to log in: +MvHx5D5
- Jan 27th afternoon - course end
November 30th - December 3rd 2020
Shallow geothermal energy: from the ground to buildings, from the field to modelling
Daniele Pedretti, Università degli Studi di Milano
Francesco Cecinato, Università degli Studi di Milano
Adam Toth, Eötvös Loránd University
Teppo Arola, Geological Survey of Finland
Alessandro Casasso, Politecnico di Torino
Giorgia Dalla Santa, Università degli Studi di Padova
Donatella Sterpi, Politecnico di Milano
Marco Barla, Politecnico di Torino
Lucio Dalla Pona, A2A Calore & Servizi Spa
Stefano Lo Russo, Politecnico di Torino
ADEQ activity Excellence Department Project
The PhD in Earth Sciences also sponsors the school MEREMA (International School on Mantle Dynamics) 2nd Edition to be held in Sestri Levante (Italy) from 24-28 October 2021.
AA 2019-2020
September 28th - October 2nd 2020 (register to attend)
Origin and fate of organic matter from land to oceans
Gabriele Gambacorta (Eni S.p.a.)
ADEQ activity Excellence Department Project
September 21st-25th 2020 (register to attend)
Terrestrial carbonates: diversity, biogeochemistry, and novel approaches of their genesis
Eric P. Verrecchia Visiting Professor 2019-2020
April 2020 postponed to undefined data (possibly September)
Geochemical, mineralogical and economic aspects of the noble metals: platinum-group elements and gold
Federica Zaccarini, Carl Nelson
January 28th-29th-30th 2020
Archean cratons: structural pattern, chemical evolution and ore potential
Cristiano Lana Visiting Professor 2019-2020
ADEQ activity Excellence Department Project
November 25th-28th 2019
Geology of Decarbonisation
Michael Stephenson Visiting Professor 2019-2020
AA 2018-2019
June 24th-28th 2019
Elements of Geostatistics using R
Paolo Fabbri
June 10th-11th 2019
Adavances in exploration targeting for magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE mineral systems
Marco Fiorentini, David Holwell
ADEQ activity Excellence Department Project
May 6th-8th 2019
Advanced Crystallographic techniques
Marco Merlini
March 27th-29th 2019
High-tech materials in mineral deposits
Nicola Mondillo
ADEQ activity Excellence Department Project
March 4th-6th 2019
Combined Microstructural-Minerochemical Analysis from EMPA X-Ray Maps using *QXRMA*
Roberto Visalli
February 12th-14th 2019
Ocean crust accretion processes at mid-ocean ridges
Benoit Ildefonse Visiting Professor 2018-2019
October 9th-15th 2018
Science communication
October 2nd-5th 2018
MATLAB for Earth and Biogeosciences
Eric P. Verrecchia
AA 2017-2018
September 17th-20th 2018
Slopes evolution in active mountain ranges: multiscale drivers (structural, deglaciation), sedimentary connectivity issues and investigation methods. A focus on the Alps and the Himalayas
Monique Fort
June 18th-22nd 2018
Fundamentals of Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and Spectroscopy Techniques
Alessandro Genovese
4 CFU (24 hours)
May 31st - June 1st 2018
Fundamental of acquisition, processing, interpretation of photogrammetry data sets from outcrops
Jeroen A.M. Kenter
2 CFU (12 hours)
May 7th-8th 2018
Application of X- Ray Computed Tomography in Microtectonics
Mohammad Sayab
2.5 CFU
December 4th-6th 2017
Shale gas and fracking
Mike Stephenson
3 CFU (18 hours)
November 7th-9th 2017
Seismic interpretation and static geological modeling in Petrel (Schlumberger), carbonate reservoirs, including seismic and well log interpretation
Boris Platov
4 CFU (24 hours)
October 9th-14th 2017
Glaciers dynamics and glacio-risk fenomena
Christoph Mayer
4 CFU (24 hours)
AA 2016-2017
May 15th-20th 2017
Field trip in Sardegna orientale
Flavio Jadoul (Univ. Milano) e Luca Costamagna (Univ. Cagliari)
5-6 days
May 2nd-5th 2017
Stable isotope and their applications in carbonate paleoenvironment, chemostratigraphy and diagenesis
Karem Azmy
4 CFU (24 hours)
First part: March 27,28 & 29th 2017, Second part: April 3rd & 4th 2017
Scientific writing and communication
Davide A.L. Vignati
4 CFU (24 hours)
February 13th-17th 2017
Divulgare le Geoscienze attraverso i media
Luigi Bignami
4 CFU (24 hours)
January 30th - February 1st 2017
Advanced crystallographic analyses
Marco Merlini
3 CFU (18 hours)
AA 2015-2016
May 9th-12th 2016
Petrologia del subsolidus: modellizzazione termodinamica
Gisella Rebay
4 CFU (24 hours)
July 6th-7th 2016
Modellazione e visualizzazione tridimensionale di dati sedimentologici e stratigrafici attraverso l’uso di software commerciali: casi di studio da sottosuolo e affioramento
Mattia Marini
4 CFU (12 hours)
June 2016
Elementi di Geostatistica con R (Introduction to Geostatistics with R)
Paolo Fabbri
4 CFU (24 hours)
March 2016
The Geotouristic Pathway to Field trips, Geoheritage, and Geoparks for academics, general geologists, and tourists
Annie Rassios
4 CFU (24 hours)
November 24th – December 1st 2015
Remote Sensing & Image Analysis - Applications in Earth Sciences
Rihana PEIMAN, Ph.D
4 CFU (24 hours)
December 14th-18th 2015
Studio e modellazione 3D di strutture geologiche in ambiente GIS©e Geomodeller©
Emmanuele Cavalli
4 CFU (24 hours)
28 July 2021 10:00 - seminario on line
Garnet petrochronology reveals the lifetime and dynamics of phonolitic magma chambers at Somma-Vesuvius
Jörn Wotzlaw - ETH, Zurich, Switzerland
17 September 2020 17:00 - on line seminar (registration)
Melt inclusions as microscopic magma chambers: Insights into magmatic processes at the Phlegrean Volcanic District
Rosario Esposito - Department of Geology, Colorado College, USA
20 July 2020 10:00 - on line seminar (registration)
The geochemical behaviour of mantle fO2 proxies (Fe3+/Fetot, V/Sc and V isotopes): A case study of the Reykjanes Ridge
Davide Novella - University of Bologna, Italy
17 July 2020 10:00 - on line seminar (registration)
Genesis and evolution of silicic magmas in upper crustal magma reservoirs
Francesca Forni - Nanyang Technology University, Singapore
4-5-6 February 2020, Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Stoppani Hall
Assereto Days 2020
Il momento di incontro e condivisione delle linee di ricerca seguite dal Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra. La giornata del 4 febbraio, in particolare, sarà dedicata alla discussione dei progetti dei dottorandi del XXXII ciclo.
3 February 2020 14:30 - Di Napoli Hall - via Mangiagalli 34
Palaeocological reconstruction of marine habitats – an example from the early Cretaceous of North Germany
Jens Lehmann - University of Bremen, Germany
13 January 2020 15:00 - Geophysics Hall - via Cicognara 7
Anatomy of the Main Himalayan Thrust: Bridging long-term tectonics and short-term seismicity
Luca Dal Zilio - Seismological Laboratory, California Institute of Technology[/]
13 November 2019 9:30/11:30 - Taramelli Hall - via Mangiagalli 34 - 14 November 2019 10:30, Taramelli Hall - via Mangiagalli 34
The recent evolution of the Dead Sea: Quaternary Geology and geomorphology
Yehouda Enzel - [i]Institute of Earth Sciences, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
3 October 2019, 13:30 Room B - via Botticelli 23
Titanium isotopes, sediments and the early continental crust
Nicolas D. Greber - SNSF Eccellenza Professor, University of Bern
28 May 2019, 14:00 - Naples Hall - via Mangiagalli 34
Zohr's discovery: the role of geosciences in successful exploration
Giuseppe Serafini SGEO - Global Geological Advisor - Basin Geology Eni S.p.A. - Exploration and Production Division
8 May 2019, 14:30 pm - Naples Hall - via Mangiagalli 34
Deep Sea sediments - archives for ocean and climate history
Helmut Weissert - ETH-Zurich, Geologisches Institut Zurich (Switzerland)
12 February 2019, 9:00-16:00 - Room C13 - via Mangiagalli 25
Geotechnics and geomechanics for energy
Various speakers, organizer Prof. Francesco Cecinato
5-6-7 February 2019, Aula Stoppani - via Mangiagalli 34
Assereto Days 2019
The moment of meeting and sharing of the research lines followed by the Department of Earth Sciences. On February 7th, in particular, it will be dedicated to the discussion of the PhD students of the XXXI cycle.
12 February 2019, 16:30 - Room D - via Botticelli 23
Formation of the oceanic crust: successes and challenges of deep drilling
Dr. Benoit Ildefonse - Director of Geosciences Montpellier CNRS University of Montpellier (France)
29 November 2018, 15:30 - Aula Taramelli - via Mangiagalli 34
Tracing the influence of large-scale volcanism on times of major climate and environmental perturbations
Dr. Lawrence Percival - Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Brussels, Belgium
24 October 2018, 16:00 - Aula Taramelli - via Mangiagalli 34
The Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event:? Lessons from the Cretaceous
Prof. Hugh C. Jenkyns - Dept. Earth Sciences, Univ. of Oxford, Oxford, UK
7 May 2018, 10:30 - 13:30, Room B - via Botticelli 23
Diamonds: overview on the Deep Earth
Fabrizio Nestola - Department of Geosciences, University of Padua
2 May 2018, 8:30 - 11:30, Room B - via Botticelli 23
High temperature processes in steel production: a case study
Riccardo Carli and Marco Alloni - Prosimet SpA, Filago (BG)
April-May 2018, Room C - Via Botticelli 23
Seminar cycles in Gemology
Dott. A. Donini, E. Gambini, F. Invernizzi - CISGEM - Gemmological Foundation Information and Services Center Gemmologica Italiana
28 February 2018, 12:30, Room D - via Botticelli 23
Zircon petrochronology reveals the timescale and mechanism of anatectic magma formation
Federico Farina - Department of Earth Science, University of Geneva Switzerland
6-7-8 February 2018, Department of Earth Sciences, Aula Stoppani
Assereto Days 2018
The moment of meeting and sharing of the research lines followed by the Department of Earth Sciences The day of February 8th, in particular, will be dedicated to the discussion of the projects of the doctoral students of the XXIX and XXX cycle.
11 January 2018, 12:30 - Room C - via Botticelli 23
Water recycling in the deep mantle, the role of Dense Hydrous Magnesium Silicates Quantifying Strain around Inclusions in Diamond Using Imaging Raman Spectroscopy
Juliette Maurice - Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans, Universitè Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, France Sula Milani University of Padua and University of Bristol, UK
1 December 2017, 9:00 am - Aula Taramelli - via Mangiagalli 34
Cold-water coral build ups: present, past, future
Agostina Vertino - Department of Environmental and Environmental Sciences, University of Milan Bicocca
10 May 2017, 8:30 am - Classroom B - via Botticelli 23
Diamonds: journey to the center of the earth. Latest news
Fabrizio Nestola - Department of Earth Sciences University of Padua
30 March 2017, 2.30pm - Room A - via Botticelli 23
5th cycle DISTINGUISHED LECTURES SGI-SIMP 2016/17 "The rhythms of the Earth: geodynamics, sismicity and vulcanism"
Carlo Doglioni - Department of Earth Sciences University La Sapienza Rome Diego Perugini - Department of Physics and Geology University of Perugia
4 October 2016, 15:30 - Aula Parona - via Mangiagalli 34
Inclusion gas analysis: a game changer for the geosciences
Prof. Uwe Brand - Dept. of Earth Sciences, Brock University, Canada
19 July 2016, 10:30 am - Room C - via Botticelli 23
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
Prof. Giancarlo Capitani - University of Milan Bicocca
27 May 2016, 9:00 am - Aula Taramelli - Via Mangiagalli 34
The national project for the management of radioactive waste
Fabio Chiaravalli - Sogin S.p.A., Rome
17 May 2016, 10:45 am - Classroom MB - Via Mangiagalli 31
North Atlantic Extension and Break-up: challenges, controversies and implications
Tony Dorè - American Association of Petroleum Geologists Distinguished Lecturer Tour 2016
28 April 2016, 2.30 pm - Room D - Via Botticelli 23
The discovery of the auriferous field Jibalqutman
Fabio Granitzio Ph.D - Exploration Manager, Kefi Minerals PLC
20 April 2016, 10:30 am - Church Hall - Via Mangiagalli 34
Geomorphological risk. Themes and methods compared between the Alps and the Carpathians
Prof. Florina Grecu - former Professor of Geomorphology University of Bucharest
7 April 2016, 10:30 am - Aula Stoppani - Via Mangiagalli 34
Prof.Eduardo Garzanti - Laboratory for Provenance Studies Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences University of Milan-Bicocca
31 March 2016, 2:00 pm - Aula Stoppani - Via Mangiagalli 34
Dr. Giuseppe Malgesini - Project Engineer D'Appolonia S.p.A. O & G
25 February 2016, 2.00 pm - Taramelli Hall - Via Mangiagalli 34
Play-based hydrocarbon exploration: geologic and economic approach - How geoscience information contributes to generate exploration projects in oil & gas industry
Mario Fornaciari - ENI upstream and technical services
9-10-11 February 2016, Aula Stoppani - Via Mangiagalli 34
Assereto Days 2016
The moment of meeting and sharing of the research lines followed by the Department of Earth Sciences. On February 10th, in particular, will be dedicated to the discussion of the projects of the doctoral students of the XXVIII cycle.
28 January 2016, 14:30, Aula Taramelli, Via Mangiagalli 34
Searching for a Jurassic / Cretaceous boundary in China
Prof. Gang Li Nanjing Institute of Geology Department of Geoscience and Palaeontology Chinese Academy of Sciences Nanjing - China
25 January 2016, 9.45 am, Aula Stoppani, Via Mangiagalli 34
Video conference from the JOIDES Resolution Interna1onal Ocean Discovery Program
Italian researchers Riccardo Tribuzio, Alessio Sanfilippo and Carlotta Ferrando will talk about life on board the ship and will present a preview of the results of the current expedition.
25 January 2016 1:30 pm, Room C, Via Botticelli 23
Gemology: a science and a profession for a bright future
A seminar to present the profession of the gemologist and his employment prospects
23 October 2015, 10:30 am, Room D, via Botticelli 23
Petrologic nature of the lower crust beneath the Japan arcs
Prof. Shoji Arai - Kanazawa University, Japan
25 February 2015, 10:00 - 13:00, 14:00 - 17:00
The role of structural geology in petroleum research: from the tectonic of the plates to the scale of pozzo
Dr. Corrado Magistroni - senior structural geologist at GEBA-ENI
10 February 2015, 15:00 - Aula Stoppani - Via Mangiagalli 34
Paleotemperature reconstructions in the Cretaceous - new data, new problems.
Prof. Joerg Mutterlose - Dept. of Geology, Mineralogy and Geophysics Ruhr-University Bochum
10 February 2015, 16:00 - Aula Stoppani - Via Mangiagalli 34
Elastic anomalies and acoustic loss two to phase transitions in minerals and functional oxides.
Prof. Michael A. Carpenter - Dept. of Earth Sciences University of Cambridge
24 November 2014, 10:30 am - Church Hall - Via Mangiagalli 34
New multi-scale approaches to the reconstruction of PTX path: from outcrop to the thin section scale and vice versa
Prof. G. Ortolano - University of Catania
18 November 2014, 2.30 pm - Room B - Via Botticelli 23
Extreme Conditions Beam Line - ECBL
Dr Hanns-Peter Liermann - DESY, Hamburg
30 October 2014, 11:30 am - Aula Stoppani - Via Mangiagalli 34, 2nd floor
"Planetary depositional environments" - 3rd cycle DISTINGUISHED LECTURES SGI-SIMP 2014 "The geology of our Solar System: quasicrystals, meteorites and exploration of planets"
Gian Gabriele Ori - University of Annunzio, International Research School of Planetary Sciences, Chieti
30 October 2014, 2.30pm - Aula Stoppani - Via Mangiagalli 34, 2nd floor
"The strange story of impossible materials formed at the dawn of the solar system." - 3rd cycle DISTINGUISHED LECTURES SGI-SIMP 2014 "The geology of our Solar System: quasicrystals, meteorites and exploration of planets"
Luca Bindi - University of Florence
20 October 2014, 15:30 - Aula Parona - Via Mangiagalli 34, 1st floor
Prof. Craig T. Simmons - Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia
13 September 2014, 10: 30-11.30 - Aula Stoppani
Volcanic CO2 degassing; a state of the art
Sandro Aiuppa - University of Palermo, Major Risks Commission
13 September 2014, 8: 30-9.30 am - Aula Stoppani
International Ocean Discovery Program: drilling the C cycle in the oceans
Alberto Malinverno - Columbia University - Lamont-Doherty Observatory, USA
13 September 2014, 9: 30-10.30 - Aula Stoppani
The Deep Carbon Observatory - Re-evaluating carbon fluxes in subduction zones: What goes down, mostly comes up
Craig Manning - UCLA, USA
13 September 2014, 11: 30-12.30 - Aula Stoppani
Geologic sequestration of CO2: Results from EOR to saline aquifers
Yousif Kharaka - USGS, USA
17 July 2014, 9: 00-18.00 - Aula Stoppani
9.15 Registration of participants 9.30 Introduction to surveys, techniques and problems in drilling water wells. (Giovanni Pietro Beretta, Department of Earth Sciences "Ardito Desio", University of Milan) 10.15 Procedural procedure for small-scale concessions in the Province of Milan. (Alberto Altomonte - Michel Fasoli, Province of Milan, Environment and Energy Quality Area, Water Resources Sector and Mining Activities, Water Resources Service) 11.15 Design criteria for water wells in the new UNI standards. (Stefano Chiarugi - Landi by Stefano Chiarugi & CSas) 12.00 Geophysical drilling in the forum: stratigraphic analysis and construction checks (Claudio Rossi, Geology and Geophysics Office Srl) 12.45 Discussion 13.15 Lunch break 14.15 Geothermal energy intake and yield wells low enthalpy: construction and operational tests for the open cycle (Lucio della Pona, A2A Calore and Servizi Srl) 3.00 pm Management of hydraulic barriers: the Syndial experience and some operational examples (Manlio Rossini - Manuel Marangon, Syndial SpA) 3.45 pm Recognition and resolution of functional problems in existing water wells (Gino Longo - Idrogeo Srl) 16.30 Discussion 17.00 Conclusion
2-3 July 2014, 14.30-16.30 -
Groundwater dating techniques
Prof. Adriano Mayer - Department of Hydrogeology - Université d´Avignon et de Pays du Vaucluse Université
12 February 2014, 3.30pm - Aula Stoppani - via Mangiagalli 34
FTIR spectroscopy and imaging of microporous silicates
Prof. Giancarlo Della Ventura - Department of Sciences, Roma Tre University, Rome
12 February 2014, 16.30 - Aula Stoppani - via Mangiagalli 34
Towards a history of the global carbon cycle
Helmut Weissert - Dept of Earth Sciences, Geology, ETH-Z Zürich, Switzerland
19 December 2012, 9-13, Room C03, via Mangiagalli 25
Lands and excavation rocks according to DM 161/2012 - general principles, application problems and examples of interventions
For the course an application for accreditation for APC will be sent (4 credits required)
13 December 2012, 3:00 pm, Room A, Via Botticelli 23
A time machine for rocks: Cathodoluminescence microscopy of metamorphic and magmatic minerals
Prof. Hans Peter Schertl - Institut für Geologie, Mineralogie & Geophysik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Germany)
19 October 2012, 10:30 Aula Stoppani - via Mangiagalli 34
Interactions between Life and Minerals: the Example of Needle Fiber Calcite
Prof. Eric P. Verrecchia - Biogeosciences Laboratory - Institute of Earth Sciences University of Lausanne (Switzerland)
18 April 2012, 10:15, Room 100 - Educational Sector - Via Celoria 20
Crystal Chemistry in the 21st Century
Nancy Ross - Department of Geosciences; Virginia Tech - Mineralogical Society of America DISTINGUISHED LECTURER PROGRAM
18 April 20128, 11:30, Room 100 - Educational Sector - Via Celoria 20
Exploring Hydrogen Environments in Minerals with Neutrons
Nancy Ross -Department of Geosciences; Virginia Tech - Mineralogical Society of America DISTINGUISHED LECTURER PROGRAM
7 March 2012, 2.30pm
From the Ferns to the flowers - what the Italian fossils of plant evolution tell
Evelyn Kustatscher - South Tyrol Museum of Natural Sciences
2011 February 7-9, Dept. of Earth Sciences, Aula Stoppani
Assereto Days 2011
The moment of meeting and sharing of the research lines followed by the Department of Earth Sciences. On February 9th, in particular, it will be dedicated to the discussion of the projects of the doctorate students of the XXIV and XXV cycle.
8-11 November 2010, Room ? , Department of Earth Sciences
Geometric morphometry
Dr. Andrea Cardini - University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
8-12 February 2010, Castagnola-Verbania
Short Course on: Microstructures and Physico-Chemical Properties of Earth and Planetary Materials
Transport properties in the Earth and planets are deeply controlled by microstructural arrangement. Viscosity, permeability, porosity, electrical conductivity, seismic attenuation, chemical diffusion is influenced by grain size, shape preferred orientations, crystal preferred orientations and / or by a variety of microstructural heterogeneities on a dimension scale ranging from nanometers to meters or more. The microstructure of rocks and minerals records The unceasing game of annealing processes in nature have led to an endless combination of the fabric observed in metals and ceramics. This short course will review the fundamentals of microstructure development moving from the principles of material science to applications in mineralogy, petrology and geophysics. Original contributions from participants are also welcome for the discussion of hot topics in microstructural analysis.
3-5 February 2010, Dept. of Earth Sciences, Aula Stoppani - via Mangiagalli 34
Assereto Days 2010
The moment of meeting and sharing of research lines followed by the Department of Earth Sciences. On February 5th, in particular, will be dedicated to the discussion of the doctoral theses of the XXII cycle.
6-9 March 2009
The Jurassic / Cretaceous Boundary: 3rd workshop of the IUGS JK boundary Working Group
2-3-4 February 2009
Assereto Days 2009
The moment of meeting and sharing of the research lines followed by the Department of Earth Sciences. On February 3rd, in particular, will be dedicated to the discussion of the doctoral theses of the XXI cycle.
16 December 2008
The role of geology in the design and construction of hydraulic works in Algeria
E. Rabbi
4 December 2008, 9:00
Geological planning criteria and definition of the routes of alpine tunnels; The role of geology in tunneling
A. Eusebio
14 May 2008
Building the crust at mid-ocean ridges: the scientific ocean drilling perspective
Benoit Ildefonse
28 February 2008
Reclamation of contaminated sites. Legislative and technical updates Procedures for admission
Requirements for admission
Admitted Master's Degrees :
- LM-11 Sciences for the conservation of cultural heritage
- LM-17 Physics
- LM-18 Informatica
- LM-22 Chemical engineering
- LM-23 Civil engineering
- LM-27 Telecommunications engineering
- LM-29 Electronic engineering
- LM-30 Energy and nuclear engineering
- LM-32 Computer engineering
- LM-34 Marine Engineering
- LM-35 Engineering for the environment and the territory
- LM-40 Mathematics
- LM-48 Urban planning and environmental planning
- LM-53 Materials science and engineering
- LM-54 Chemical Sciences
- LM-58 Sciences of the unive rso
- LM-60 Natural Sciences
- LM-69 Agricultural sciences and technologies
- LM-71 Science and technology of industrial engineering
- LM-72 Navigation sciences and technologies
- LM-73 Forest and environmental sciences and technologies
- LM-74 Geological sciences and technologies
- LM-75 Sciences and technologies for the environment and the territory
- LM-79 Geophysical Sciences
- LM-82 Statistical Sciences
Admission procedure
- Titles evaluation,
- Oral colloquium,
- Research project,
Language (for the University of Milan, knowledge of at least level B2 of the English language or of any other language established in the call is required, subject to the basic knowledge of the English language).
For graduates from abroad the admission procedure is not different from that of candidates who graduated in Italy, but the interview can be held online.
The admission test can be taken in Italian or English
Additional information in the Doctoral research (PhD) program portal Call for application
37th cycle - extraordinary call "Programma Operativo Nazionale"
It is now out the extraordinary call for applications to the 37th cycle "PON" (Programma Operativo Nazionale).
For more details, please check the attached document and this link.
Call deadline 8/11/2021 (14:00)
Enrollment from 18/11/2021 to 22/11/2021 (14:00)
37th cycle
36th cycle
Here it is possible to access the results of admission tests in the active cycles of the doctorate
For information on open calls and how to participate in a call click here.
35th cycle
Phd Past and Present Students
- Curricula (from XXXIV on)
Earth system: Processes & Modelling
- Amaglio Giulia
Tutor: Prof. Maria Rose Petrizzio
Project title: Population dynamics and geochemistry of foraminifera to interpret the paleoceanographic changes across the Cenomanian-Turonian Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 at low and high latitudes.
- Baratelli Lisa
Tutor: Prof. Fernando Camara Artigas
Project title: The interplay between cation ordering and elasticity of omphacites to unravel PTt paths of metamorphic rocks.
- Morabito Giulia
Tutor: Prof. Diego G. Gatta, co-tutor: Prof. Nicoletta Marinoni
Project title: Development of a new non-invasive archeometric approach to investigate decorated ceramics.
- Viaretti Marco
Tutor: Prof. Lucia Angiolini
Project title: Biomineralizzazione e cambiamento globale: la risposta degli organismi alla glaciazione Gondwaniana e al successivo riscaldamento climatico.
- Battiston Tommaso
Tutor: Prof. Gatta
Project title: Erionite: Crystal-chemistry, properties and utilizations
- Bettoni Chiara
Tutor: Prof.ssa Bottini
Project title: The role of extreme paleoenvironmental conditions on nannoplankton carbonate production: case studies from the Cretaceous.
- Carniti Alessandro Paolo
Tutors: Prof.ssa Angiolini, Prof.ssa Della Porta, Prof. Stephenson
Project title: Mississippian mud mounds of Derbyshire (England, UK): facies architecture and biotic evolution.
- Perini Serena
Tutor: Prof. Muttoni
Project title: Magnetochronology of early hominin occupation of North Africa and southern Europe.
- Bollino Arcangela
Tutor: Prof. Marotta
Project title: Quasi static gravity signatures in slow tectonic zones: assimilation of novel aerospace data and geophysical modeling
- Casiraghi Giulia
Tutor: Dr. Daniele Pedretti, co-tutor: Prof. Beretta
Project title: Combining geochemical and numerical modelling for chlorinated solvents groundwater contamination
- Mosconi Angelica
Tutor: Prof. Tiepolo
Project title: Multiscale geochemical study of the processes involved in crustal growth
- Bajni Greta
Tutors: Prof. Apuani, Dr. Camera
Project title: Statistical methods to assess rock fall susceptibility in an Alpine environment: climatic forcing and hydro-thermal-mechanical degradation of rock masses.
- Bindellini Gabriele
Tutors: Prof. Balini, Dr. Cristiano dal Sasso (Museo SN, Milano)
Project title: Study of the paleontological record of the Besano Formation (Middle Triassic) at Sasso Caldo, Varese, UNESCO WHL Monte San Giorgio.
- Reguzzi Simone
Tutors: Dr. Marini, Prof. Bersezio, Prof. Felletti, Dr. Massimo Rossi (Eni S.p.A.)
Project title: Oligocene to Early Miocene evolution of clastic deposition in the eastern Tertiary Piedmont Basin (NW, Italy).
- Wu Ying Li
Tutors: Prof. Zerboni, Prof. Gatta, Dr. Federica Villa, Dr. Marina Gallinaro (Università La Sapienza, Roma)
Project title: New analytical methods to investigate rock art: weathering and preservation of rock supports and pigments.
- Caso Fabiola
Tutor: Prof. Michele Zucali
Project title: Influenza del gradiente di deformazione nel comportamento di elementi strategici (Li, REE) durante metamorfismo di HT e fusione: approccio integrato microstrutturale e geochimico.
- Invernizzi Daniele
Tutor: Prof. Fabrizio Felletti
Project title: Multi-disciplinary approach to model clastic systems as outcrop analogue: the links between processes and architectures.
- Langone Federica
Tutor: Dr. Francesca Forni, co-tutor: Prof. Federico Farina
Project title: Evoluzione di grandi reservoir magmatici e genesi delle ignimbriti ad essi associate.
- Massinelli Giulia Federica
Tutor: Prof. Nicoletta Marinoni, co-tutor: Prof. Diego G. Gatta
Project title: Quantitative evaluation of the consolidating effects induced by inorganic mineral treatments applied on porous carbonate stone surfaces.
- Citrini Andrea
Tutor: Dr. Camera, co-tutor: Prof. Beretta
Project title: Management of multiple and concurrent use of water resources in an Alpine environment under climate change.
- Melada Jacopo
Tutor: Prof. Giudici
Project title: Development of a thermal vision system through solar loading thermography: development of an experimental setup and of a data processing procedure through deep learning for the characterization and early risk warning related to cliff monitoring and cultural heritage conservation.
- Morcioni Andrea
Tutor: Prof. Apuani
Project title: Studies on the thermo-hydro-mechanical behavior of rock masses in the context of climate change.
- Cantaluppi Marco
Tutor: Prof. Marinoni
Project title: Advanced mineralogical and crystallographical techniques for undertanding trasformation processes in natural materials and synthetic analogues.
- Forti Luca
Tutors: Prof. Zerboni, Dr. E. Regattieri (CNR-IGG)
Ciclo: XXXV
Titolo progetto: Geoarchaeological and palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the Holocene climate-environmental-human nexus in Iraqi Kurdistan
- Magnani Lorenzo
Tutor: Prof. Farina
Project title: LCT type pegmatites and their genetic mechanisms: correlations between pegmatitic melts genesis and country rocks
- Pagliaro Francesco
Tutor: Dr. Lotti, co-tutor: Prof. Camara Artigas
Project title: Minerogenesis, crystal chemistry and chemical-physical stability of REE-bearing minerals: the case study of Mount Cervandone.
- Cavalheiro Liyenne
Tutor: Prof. Erba
Project title: Production, accumulation and preservation of organic matter during the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event: implications for hydrocarbon geosciences.
- Grammatica Michela
Tutors: Prof. Fumagalli, Dr. Borghini
Project title: The role of melt-rock reactions in the mass transport and re-mobilization of major and trace elements (e.g. REE): an experimental study.
- Guerini Sara
Tutor: Prof. Tartarotti
Project title: Deformation-controlled remobilization of PGE, REE and Fluid-Mobile-Elements in ophiolites. Funded by EXCELLENCE PROJECT - GEOSCIENCES FOR SOCIETY: RESOURCES AND THEIR EVOLUTION
- Spartà Deborah
Tutors: Prof. Fumagalli, Prof. Poli
Project title: REE- bearing hydrous carbonatites systems at high pressure: an experimental study. Funded by EXCELLENCE PROJECT - GEOSCIENCES FOR SOCIETY: RESOURCES AND THEIR EVOLUTION
- Bussolesi Micol
Tutor: Prof. Grieco
Dissertation title: Chromite ore deposits: genesis, evolution and industrial applications
- Filippi Marco
Tutors: Prof. Spalla, Prof. Lardeaux, Dr. Zanoni
Dissertation title: Structural and metamorphic evolution of Variscan rocks from the Alps and comparison with the evolution of tectonic units from different portions of central-European Variscan belt. PhD in co-tutela
- Miniati Francesco
Tutor: Prof. Erba
Dissertation title: Depositional characterization of organic-rich facies in deep and ultra-deep water areas: Biostratigraphic and paleoceanographic characterization.
- Nembrini Mattia
Tutors: Prof. Della Porta, Prof. Berra
Dissertation title: Controlling factors on the depositional architecture of carbonate systems: sedimentology, facies, geometries and diagenesis of Eastern Sardinia Jurassic carbonates.
- Voltolina Debora
Tutors: Prof. Apuani, Dr. Sterlacchini
Project title: Wildland surface fire behaviour: a spatial simulation model for operational emergency management
- Corti Luca
Tutor: Prof. Zucali, Dr. Zanoni
Dissertation title: Quantitative analysis of fabric evolution and metamorphic transformation in crystalline basements
- Luoni Pietro
Tutor: Dr. Zanoni, Dr. Rebay (Università di Pavia), Prof. Spalla
Dissertation title: Multiscale structural analysis of ultramafic rocks in the different structural domains of the Alps, integrated with petrology and geochemistry: a key to unravel the geodynamic interpretation of collisional belts
- Marchesi Ruben
Tutor: Prof. Balini
Dissertation title: Early Carnian ammonoids from Nevada: revised taxonomy, evolutionary trends and usefulness for the definition of the Late Triassic time scale
- Pellicioli Claudia
Tutor: Dr. Groppelli, Prof. Zucali, Dr. José Luis Macias (UNAM, Mexico)
Dissertation title: Study of the geological evolution and structural patterns at different scales characterising the Tres Vírgenes region (Mexico) to evaluate the geothermal energy potential
- Visentin Stefano
Tutor: Prof. Erba
Dissertation title: Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy and taxonomy across the Early Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event: a comparison between Tethyan and Boreal sections
- Giacomo Armetti
Tutor: Prof. Apuani, Prof. Migliazza
Dissertation title: Geomechanical characterisation of rock masses for tunnels excavation with TBM
- Davide Comboni
Tutor: Prof. Gatta
Dissertation title: High pressure behaviour of zeolites with large cavities
- Davide Fugazza
Tutor: Prof. Diolaiuti, Prof. Gatta
Dissertation title: All eyes on glaciers: remote sensing of the cryosphere
- Elena Possenti
Tutors: Prof. Gatta, Dr. Colombo, Dr. Conti
Dissertation title: Inorganic products used in Conservation of Cultural Heritage: interaction with carbonatic substrates and newly-formed crystalline phases.
- Gianluca Sessa
Tutor: Prof. Tiepolo
Dissertation title: Amphibole as a proxy of secular variations into the deep cycle of volatiles elements
- Facheng Ye
Tutor; Prof. Angiolini
Dissertation title: The macro-structure of modern and fossil brachiopod archives
- Chiara Zuffetti
Tutors: Prof. Bersezio, Dr. Comunian, Prof. Giudici
Dissertation title: Multiscale characterization and modelling of complex structures in alluvial hydrostratigraphy: accounting for geological knowledge in quantitative models.
- Luca Capizzi
Tutors: Prof. Poli, Prof. Fumagalli, Prof. Tumiati
Dissertation title: The mobility of hydrous carbonate liquids in the mantle: an experimental model
- Alessandro Da Mommio
Tutor: Prof. Poli
Dissertation title: High pressure phase relationships in calc-silicate rocks and fluid generation from calcite dissolution and melting
- Justine Francomme
Turor: Prof. Fumagalli
Dissertation title: Melt-rock interactions at the mantle-crust interface in oceanic spreading environments: An experimental investigation
- Bruno Giovanni Galuzzi
Tutor: Prof. Stucchi
Dissertation title: Tecniche di inversione sismica per la stima di un macro modello di velocità con algoritmi di ottimizzazione globali.
- Anna Masseroli
Tutor: Prof. Trombino
Dissertation title: Evoluzione dei suoli e fluttuazioni della treeline sul versante meridionale dell arco alpino nel quadro dei cambiamenti climatici dell Olocene
- Jacopo Terrenghi
Tutor: Prof. Beretta, Prof. Masetti
Dissertation title: Contaminazione delle acque sotterranee in ambienti idrogeologici complessi: caratterizzazione e modellazione
- Valentina Caruso
Tutor: Prof. Trombino
Dissertation title: Ruolo dell’alterazione delle fasi minerali ed organiche nella propagazione delle fratture peri e post mortali del tessuto osseo umano antico
- Roberto Sergio Azzoni
Tutor: Prof. Diolaiuti , Dr. Zerboni
Dissertation title: Caratterizzazione del detrito sopraglaciale nelle sue componenti sedimentologiche, biologiche e antropiche e analisi dei flussi di CO2 in ambiente glaciale e proglaciale
- Giorgia Confalonieri
Tutor: Prof. Dapiaggi
Dissertation title: Local disorder in the structure of Ba(Ti,Ce)O3 perovskite by means of powder diffraction and total scattering. Effect of doping concentration and grain size
- Matteo Galimberti
Tutor: Prof. Dapiaggi
Dissertation title: Utilizzo di scorie nella produzione di clinker per i green cements
- Silvia Elena Gilardoni
Tutor: Prof. Petrizzo
Dissertation title: Paleoclimatic and paleocenographic reconstruction of the Albian - Cenomanian interval based on planktonic foraminifera
- Marco Musetti
Tutor: Prof. Trombino, Dr. Comolli
Dissertation title: Tecniche di cartografia digitale per la produzione di carte di dettaglio dei suoli
- Alessandro Regorda
Tutor: Prof. Marotta
Dissertation title: The thermo-mechanical evolution of the subduction-collision systems
- Andrea Tessarollo
Tutor: Prof. Berra
Dissertation title: Processi di nucleazione di piattaforme carbonatiche ad alto rilievo: caratterizzazione sedimentologica e composizione delle facies ed evoluzione deposizionale del Calcare di Esino (Ladinico-Carnico inferiore) in Lombardia
- Andrea Croci
Della Tutor: Prof. Porta
Dissertation title: Carbonate deposition in continental settings: lacustrine microbialites and hydrothermal travertine
- Giovanna De Filippis
Tutor: Prof. Giudici
Dissertation title: Modellazione della circolazione idrica sotterranea nella fascia costiera jonica tarantina
- Irene Fantone
Tutor: Prof. Grieco
Dissertation title: Le problematiche ambientali di siti minerari a solfuri nel contesto della costruzione di database ambientali georeferenziati
- Silvia Inzoli
Tutor: Prof. Giudici
Dissertation title: L’apporto delle indagini geo-elettromagnetiche nella caratterizzazione idrostratigrafica di sottosuolo: studio delle relazioni petrofisiche che legano parametri elettrici e parametri lito-tessiturali di sedimenti alluvionali a diverse scale.
- Guido Stefano Mariani
Tutor: Prof. Trombino
Dissertation title: I Paleosuoli come Strumento di Ricostruzione Paleoambientale: Genesi e Sviluppo di Suoli Montani nel Quadro dei Mutamenti Climatici Olocenici.
- Stefania Stevenazzi
Tutor: Prof. Masetti
Dissertation title: Valutazione degli effetti dello urban sprawl sulle risorse idriche sotterranee
- Davide Tantardini
Tutor: Prof. Bini
Dissertation title: Geologia del Quaternario e Geomorfologia della Valchiavenna.
- Alessia Barchetta
Tutor: Prof. Petrizzo
Dissertation title: Biostratigraphy, evolutionary history and paleoecology of Late Cretaceous planktonic foraminifera
- Gaia Crippa
Tutor: Prof. Angiolini
Dissertation title: Chemiostratigrafia e sclerocronologia della macrofauna plio-pleistocenica dell’Emilia occidentale e implicazioni paleoclimatiche
- Giulia Faucher
Tutor: Prof. Erba
Dissertation title: Variazioni morfometriche delle alghe coccolitoforidi in condizioni di CO2 in eccesso: confronti tra i dati geologici e simulazioni in laboratorio
- Lucia Pagliari
Tutor: Prof. Pavese, Prof. Dapiaggi
Dissertation title: Applicazioni del total scattering a nano-materiali ceramici di interesse industriale
- Carla Tiraboschi
Tutor: Dr. Tumiati, Prof. Fumagalli
Dissertation title: Speciazione di fluidi COH in condizioni di alta pressione e temperatura: uno studio sperimentale mediante tecniche in-situ ed ex-situ
- Andrea Baucon
Tutor: Dr. Felletti, Prof. Muttoni
Dissertation title: Network theory in ichnology: from behavioural topology to environmental architecture
- Laura Cattaneo
Tutor: Prof. Giudici, Dr. De Franco
Dissertation title: Dissertation title: Flusso idrico e trasporto di soluti nei sedimenti alluvionali a diverse scale: sviluppo di modelli innovativi e integrazione con indagini idrostratigrafiche e idrogeofisiche
- Federica Ferrari
Tutor: Prof. Apuani, Prof. Giani
Dissertation title: Rock mass characterization and spatial estimation of geomechanical properties through geostatistical techniques
- Gabriele Gambacorta
Tutor: Prof. Erba
Dissertation title: Paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic reconstructions of the late Albian - early Turonian (Cretaceous) time interval: from an unstable to a stable ocean
- Paolo Lotti
Tutor: Prof. Gatta, Prof. Pavese
Dissertation title: Cancrinite-group minerals at non-ambient conditions: a model of the elastic behaviour and structure evolution
- Anna Pellizzone
Tutor: Prof. Muttoni
Dissertation title: Paleomagnetic analyses on Permian volcanics and redbeds from Africa and Europe and the paleogeography of Pangea during the Permian
- Fabio Russo
Tutor: Prof. Erba
Dissertation title: Calcareous nannofossil revised biostratigraphy of the latest Albian-earliest Campanian time interval (Cretaceous)
- Domitilla Santi
Tutor: Prof. Tartarotti, Dr. Brunelli
Dissertation title: Struttura e petrogenesi delle peridotiti di mantello lungo la trasforme Romanche (Oceano Atlantico Equatoriale)
- Federica Barilaro
Tutor: Prof. Della Porta
Dissertation title: The character and spatial distribution of Holocene and Pleistocene hydrothermal travertines (Albegna Valley, Southern Tuscany, Central Italy)
- Andrea Bernasconi
Tutor: Dr. Dapiaggi, Prof. Pavese
Dissertation title: Sanitary-ware: from the industrial macro characterisation to the atomic scale analysis.
- Francesco Delleani
Tutor: Prof. Spalla
Dissertation title: Deformation and metamorphism relationships in acid and femic protoliths of the Austroalpine continental crust subducted and exhumed in a severely depressed thermal regime.
- Shpetim Kastrati
Tutor: Prof. Grieco
Dissertation title: Innovative approaches to mineral exploitation: the cases of manganese enrichment and pyrite recycling
- Boris Mosconi
Tutor: Prof. Smiraglia, Dr. Diolaiuti, Dr. Bocchiola
Dissertation title: Some examples of modelling glacier mass balance and results from snow melt mitigation strategies in the Italian Alps
- Maria Pedrotti
Tutor: Prof. Grieco
Dissertation title: Chromite: from the mineral to the commodity
- Silvia Porro
Tutor: Prof. De Capitani
Dissertation title: A biogeochemical approach for the environmental characterisation of mine lands
- Elisa Vuillermoz
Tutor: Prof. Smiraglia, Dr. Diolaiuti, Dr. Bonasoni
Dissertation title: Contribution to the comprehension of climate change towards cryosphere and atmospheric analysis: the cases study of Changri Nup Glacier, Nepal Himalayas and of Forni Glacier, Italian Alps
- Emmanuele Cavalli
Tutor: Prof. Bersezio
Dissertation title: Metodologia per la realizzazione e calibrazione dei modelli idrostratrigrafici multiscala in complessi acquiferi alluvionali assistita da geo- processing
- Gabriele Cambiotti
Tutor: Prof. Sabadini
Dissertation title: Modelli di Terra avanzati, viscoelastici e compressibili, ed applicazioni al rimbalzo post-glaciale e post-sismico
- Corrado Camera
Tutor: Prof. Apuani
Dissertation title: Modellazione numerica a scala di bacino della probabilità di innesco e della propagazione di colate di detrito.
- Sara Comero
Tutor: Prof. De Capitani
Dissertation title: Fate assessment and source apportionment of environmental pollutants using X-ray analytical techniques and chemometric data modelling
- Eleonora Dall'Olio
Tutor: Dr. Felletti, Prof. Muttoni
Dissertation title: Analisi sedimentologiche e di anisotropia magnetica sulle direzioni di provenienza del sedimento in sistemi torbiditici appenninici.
- Francesca Falzoni
Tutor: Prof. Petrizzo
Dissertation title: Biostratigrafia, evoluzione e significato paleoambientale dei foraminiferi planctonici nell’intervallo Coniaciano - Campaniano (Cretacico Superiore)
- Ivan Frigerio
Tutor: Prof. Masetti
Dissertation title: Gestione delle emergenze idrogeologiche mediante GIS e sistemi di supporto alle decisioni, Protezione Civile e pianificazione del territorio
- Pasquale Poppa
Tutor: Prof. Trombino, Prof. Cattaneo
Dissertation title: L'individuazione e la caratterizzazione dei siti di occultamento di resti umani in ambito forense: applicazioni geopedologiche e geoarcheologiche
- Marco Binda
Tutor: Prof. Berra, Prof. Jadoul
Dissertation title: Facies distribution of a rimmed carbonate platform and overlying regressive carbonates: the Esino Limestone and Calcare Rosso facies in the Central Southern Alps (Lombardy, Italy)
- Enrico Bonamini
Tutor: Prof. Berra, Prof. Jadoul
Dissertation title: Facies and compositional analysis integrated with a statistical approach on a Norian basinal calcareous succession (Zorzino limestone , Southern Alps, Italy): reconstruction of the possible controlling factors and depositional processes
- Cinzia Bottini
Tutor: Prof. Erba
Dissertation title: pCO2 effects on the production of pelagic biogenic carbonate and ocean chemistry: a case history from the Cretaceous
- Chiara Compostella
Tutor: Prof. Trombino
Dissertation title: I paleosuoli come strumento di ricostruzione paleoambientale nel quadro dei mutamenti olocenici dell'ambiente montano.
- Johannes Fischer
Tutor: Prof. Poli, Prof. Fumagalli
Dissertation title: Chlorite and a new hydrous pyroxene in subducted Cr-bearing ultramafics: an experimental study
- Andrea Merri
Tutor: Prof. Giani, Prof. Apuani
Dissertation title: Ammassi rocciosi fratturati: modellazione del reticolo di fratturazione, effetti sulla circolazione idrica e sulla stabilità
- Manuel Roda
Tutor: Prof. Spalla, Prof. Marotta
Dissertation title: Integration of natural data within a numerical model for the geodynamic reconstruction of an inner portion of the Alps
- Dario Marcello Soldan
Tutor: Prof. Petrizzo
Dissertation title: Revision of Paleocene-Eocene planktic foraminiferal biostratigraphy and evolutionary history of the genus Igorina through parsimony analysis
- Alessandro Sorichetta
Tutor: Prof. Beretta, Prof. Masetti
Dissertation title: Groundwater vulnerability assessment using statistical methods
- Diana dell'Arciprete
Tutor: Prof. Giudici, Prof. Bersezio
Dissertation title: Modellazione geostatistica e numerica dell'architettura sedimentaria e
- Emanuele Fontana
Tutor: Prof. Tartarotti
Dissertation title: Assetto strutturale e tettonico del sito ODP-IODP 1256 (oceano Pacifico equatoriale) e loro influenza sul controllo della circolazione dei fluidi e sull'alterazione nella crosta oceanica attuale
- Marco Levera
Tutor: Prof. Balini
Dissertation title: Studio biostratigrafico integrato della successione carnico-norica (Triassico superiore) del Bacino Sicano (Sicilia occidentale), a supporto della candidatura di Pizzo Mondello per il GSSP del Piano Norico
- Michele Mazza
Tutor: Prof. Nicora
Dissertation title: Fauna a conodonti della sezione di Pizzo Mondello (Monti Sicani, Sicilia occidentale) proposta come GSSP per il limite Carnico/Norico: biostratigrafia integrata e geochimica isotopica dei depositi pelagici del Triassico Superioredel Bacino Sicano
- Grazia Rossi
Tutor: Prof. Sabadini
Dissertation title: Tecnica DinSAR per il monitoraggio delle deformazioni co-sismiche e pre-sismiche del suolo
- Daniele Tiraboschi
Tutor: Prof. Erba
Dissertation title: Variazioni quantitative del nannoplancton calcareo durante il Cretacico: paleoecologia, tassi evolutivi, produzione di carbonato e pCO2
- Vincenzo Verna
Tutor: Prof. Angiolini
Dissertation title: Guadalupian brachiopods from Tunisia and Turkey: Systematics and palaeobiogeographic implications
- Anna Paula Vinkler
Tutor: Dr. Groppelli
Dissertation title: Study of fragmentation and compositional variations within caldera forming ignimbrites to understand caldera formation processes
- Maryamnaz Bahrammanesh Tehrani*
Tutor: Prof. Balini, Prof. Angiolini
Dissertation title: Brachiopods from the Early Carboniferous of North Iran: Classification, Biostratigraphy and Paleobiogeography
- Fernando Bellotti
Tutor: Dr. Pasquar, Dr. Groppelli
Dissertation title: Evoluzione del versante occidentale del Monte Etna e studio strutturale del Rift associato
- Cristina Emanuela Casellato*
Tutor: Prof. Erba
Dissertation title: Causes and consequences of calcareous nannoplankton evolution in the Late Jurassic: implication for biogeochronology, biocalcification and ocean chemistry
- Alessandro Lanfranchi
Tutor: Prof. Jadoul, Prof. Erba, Prof. Berra
Dissertation title: Stratigraphy, palaeogeography and facies analysis of Upper Jurassic-Berriasian carbonate depositional systems of eastern Sardinia
- Mauro Mele
Tutor: Prof. Bersezio, Prof. Giudci, Dr. Felletti
Dissertation title: L architettura degli acquiferi alluvionali: una metodologia integrata geologico-geofisica per la caratterizzazione a diverse scale
- Chiara Nicola
Tutor: Prof. Artioli, Dr. Angelini
Dissertation title: Sviluppo della tecnologia di produzione del vetro: dalla protostoria all età del Ferro
- Marcello Rossi
Tutor: Prof. Sfondrini, Prof. Apuani
Dissertation title: Fenomeni di erosione di versante in ambiente alpino: sperimentazione, monitoraggio e modellazione del bacino pilota della Valchiavenna
- Marco Sala*
Tutor: Prof. Artioli, Dr. Maggi, Dr. Dapiaggi, Dr. Delmonet
Dissertation title: Mineralogy of Antarctic ice dust and Potential dust Source Areas in the Southern Hemisphere
- Diego Servida
Tutor: Prof. De Capitani, Prof. Grieco, Dr. Moroni
Dissertation title: Innovative approaches to evaluate geochemical risk related to sulphide-bearing Abandoned Mine Lands
- Raffaele Splendore
Tutor: Prof. Marotta
Dissertation title: Present-day tectonic deformation and stress fields at the regional scale in the Tyrrhenian area: synergic use of geophysical forward modeling and geodetic data
- Valentina Roberta Barletta *
Tutor: Prof. Sabadini
Dissertation title: New constraints on mantle viscosity and ice mass variations inferred from combined satellite and ground data
- Laura Carabelli *
Tutor: Prof. Balini, Prof. Angiolini
Dissertation title: Brachiopods from the P-T boundary beds of North Iran: classification and biostratigraphy
- Cinzia Durante
Tutor: Prof. Giudici
Dissertation title: Modello di flusso del sistema acquifero della provincia di Cremona
- Alice Ghiselli
Tutor: Prof. Bini, Prof. Zucali
Dissertation title: Interaction of geomorphology and tectonics in the evolution of the Orobic Alps (central Southern Alps)
- Anna Elisabetta Maria Merlini
Tutor: Prof. Grieco, Prof. Tartarotti
Dissertation title: Chromitites in ophiolite complexes: genesis and alteration.
- Paola Tamagnini
Tutor: Prof. Erba
Dissertation title: Characterisation of gemological materials by classical and modern analytical techniques
- Alessia Salvo *
Tutor: Prof. Poli
Dissertation title: Relazioni di fase nel sistema Fe-Al-Si-O e sviluppo di nuovi sensori d'ossigeno
- Monica Segata
Tutor: Prof. Poli
Dissertation title: Modellizzazione cinetica su base sperimentale della crescita cristallina nei sistemi peridotitici.
Doctorate thesi discussion (34° cycle): Sara GUERINI
Tuesday the 7th of June 2022 starting from 10:00 Sara GUERINI will discuss her PhD Thesis entitled "Structure, geochemistry and petrology of serpentinites and listvenites in the Western Alps: constraints on carbonation and element mobilization from subduction to ophiolite emplacement".
You can attend the discussion in person (aula A, Dep. of Earth Sciences, via Botticelli 23, Milano) or remotely (with Zoom, using the link:
Doctorate thesis discussion (34° cycle): Gabriele BINDELLINI, Liyenne CAVALHEIRO and Simone REGUZZI
Friday the 6th of May 2022 starting from 14:30 Gabriele BINDELLINI, Liyenne CAVALHEIRO and Simone REGUZZI will discuss their PhD Thesis entitled respectively "Study of the paleontological record of the Besano Formation (Middle Triassic) at Sasso Caldo, Varese, UNESCO WHL Monte San Giorgio.", "Production, accumulation and preservation of organic matter during the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event: implications for hydrocarbon geosciences" and "Oligocene to Early Miocene evolution of clastic deposition in the eastern Tertiary Piedmont Basin (NW, Italy)"
You can attend the discussion in person (aula Taramelli, Dep. of Earth Sciences, via Mangiagalli 34, Milano) or remotely (with Zoom, using the link:
If you are planning to attend the discussions in presence, due to the limited number of seats available please book your place by contacting Mattia Marini (
Doctorate thesis discussion (34° cycle): Greta BAJNI
Friday the 23th of March 2022 at 14:30 Greta BAJNI will discuss her PhD Thesis entitled "Statistical methods to assess rock fall susceptibility in an alpine environment: a focus on climatic forcing and geomechanical variables".
You can attend the discussion in person (aula Stoppani del Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, via Mangiagalli 34, Milano) or remotely (with Zoom, using the link:
Thesis discussion for doctorate 33 ° cycle
The thesis of the 33rd cycle PhD student Debora Voltolina will be discussed on Monday June 7th 2021 at 9:30
Prof. Donatella SPANO (University of Sassari)
Prof. Giovanni LANEVE (University of Rome La Sapienza)
Prof. Mário Jorge Modesto GONZALEZ PEREIRA (University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, Portugal)
The discussion will take place electronically via the ZOOM platform:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 874 8488 5517
Passcode: 154449
visiting professor Manolis Veveakis (Duke University, North Carolina, USA)
The doctoral course entitled "Multiphysics Geomechanics for Earth Science applications: from resource engineering to fault mechanics" will be held on 24-25 June both on-line and in presence, at the University of Milan. Anyone interested in participating in the presence can contact prof. Francesco Cecinato(
Additionally, a cycle of 3 master level seminars will be held by visiting professor Manolis Veveakis (Duke University, North Carolina, USA) in June.
The seminars, electronically, will cover the topics:
- "Mechanics of catastrophic landslides" (June 8)
- "Mechanics and physics of chemically active shear zones" (June 11)
- "Multiphysics instabilities during diagenesis of shale gas reservoirs" (June 14).
Information for on-line connection in the annex.
Thesis discussions for the 33rd cycle of the PhD
The theses of the 33rd cycle PhD students will be discussed next Thursday 25 March 2021
9:30 am
Micol Bussolesi
Francesco Miniati
Mattia Nembrini
Prof. Giuliana Villa (University of Parma)
Prof. Massimo Santantonio (University of Rome La Sapienza)
dr. Alessandro Cavallo (University of Milan Biccoca)
The discussion will take place electronically via the ZOOM platform:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 851 2308 3538
Passcode: 812672
Marco Filippi PhD in co-tutorship
Prof. Maria Iole Spalla (University of Milan, Italy)
Prof. Laura Gaggero (University of Genoa, Italy)
Prof. Jean Marc Lardeaux (Université Nice Sophia-Antipolis, France)
Prof. Patrick Ledru (Université de Lorraine, France)
Prof. Karel Schulmann (Université de Strasbourg, France)
The discussion will take place electronically via the Microsoft TEAMS platform:
Join TEAMS Meeting
PhD Day
On September 16, at the joint SIMP-SGI-SOGEI congress entitled " The time of the planet Earth and the time of man: The geosciences between past and future" to be held in Parma (form 16 to 19 September 2019), the second edition of the PhD Days will be held, addressed to all graduate students in Earth Sciences in Italy. This day will be a real mini-conference where PhD students and PhD students will be able to compare their research informally. This year a new modality has been introduced which consists of an IES session (inspired by the PICO sessions) preceded by "crazy presentations".